

Created by Tabula Games

Survive harsh lands and dreadful monsters in an immersive euro strategic board game with high-detail miniatures and dreamlike artwork.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Unleash the Troops!
about 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 08:13:06 PM

What a great positive response!

Yesterday, we announced our next project: Icaion, and we were overwhelmed by your positive response! Now, back to making Mysthea the best game we can!

Unleash the Troops!

Our beloved Travis finalized his artwork representing the Troops in different poses and with different features, a small army generated by a Champion and ready to fulfill their objective! We will soon have the sculpts based on this design.

They might be small, but do not underestimate them!
They might be small, but do not underestimate them!

"Takrok" is the name given by the inhabitants of Mysthea to these little fellows made of stone and Qoam. The process to make them is relatively easy, to the point that even normal citizens are able to do it. Where it really makes the difference is in how long they remain "alive": a Takrok created by a Champion of Ilvash could go on almost forever, while the ones that are created around the city usually don't last long. 

When a creature has been generated, its master will give them a simple goal and they will be happy to oblige. This makes Takroks really versatile, they are used for all sort of things around the city, especially menial tasks. Nonetheless, if given the right goal they can also become a great asset in combat. Especially when in great quantities they have always been a pillar of every battle in Mysthea.

A clarification about the Exclusive Reward

A lot of people asked us about how they can make sure they'll qualify for the exclusive reward on our next project. It's simple, you'll just have to back Icaion with the same Kickstarter account you are using to back Mysthea, that's it!

This is it for today, can't wait to show you the sculpts!


Icaion Unveiled!
about 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 01:27:01 AM

Time to reveal our second surprise

It's time! Let's reveal the second surprise! Brace yourself since we have a lot to unveil!

We are an indie company born on Kickstarter with a relatively small project. We were able to grow to a point where we can now make games with the depth of Mysthea. We want to give value to you, the community that's made this happen, in every way we can.


Mysthea is part of a bigger project that we are finally ready to unveil. The world we created, with its extended lore and immersive artwork, is the universe where we will set our next game: Icaion

There is still a lot left to discover. In Mysthea we explore the world as the inhabitants of the islands floating above the clouds. But these people are completely unaware that there is a whole other planet below them. What’s beneath that blanket of clouds?

Our next project, Icaion, will be set in these unknown realms beneath the sky.
Our next project, Icaion, will be set in these unknown realms beneath the sky.

This game has been in development for a while. It’s currently followed by another team and both games will be completely standalone titles. The same game designers, along with the game art, universe and lore, will be the links that bring these two projects together.

And here's the really exciting news!

We are collaborating with this second team to make something rare and innovative happen. The idea is to merge the two games, mixing their components to create a third and entirely new game where two civilizations will finally meet and discover one another.

The third game will only use components and miniatures that come from both Mysthea and Icaion boxes. It’s not going to be an expansion, but a completely free and additional standalone game for everyone who backs both campaigns. All three games will be of different genres with unique mechanics, and will be completely independent from one another, outside of the game lore and theme. 

Rewarding those who believe in us

We want to reward your trust in our vision. As a backer of Mysthea you will be able to assemble this new game if you decide to continue to support us in the future. On top of that, we will also add an exclusive reward for all returning backers, still to be decided!

We do not have an ETA for our next project and we don’t want to move the attention there, since at the moment our only focus is to make Mysthea the best game we can. But nonetheless it was important for us to layout this path that we are envisioning!

Thank you for your support.


First Surprise Reveal!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 11:16:43 PM

Time to reveal our first surprise

Recently we announced that there are two surprises upcoming and now it’s time to reveal the first one!

A lot of people asked for this during a really interesting conversation on the comments, and we spent the last few days working really hard to make it happen! Mysthea has been upgraded, and the Troops will now have an alternate pose. That is our gift to all of our backers for their amazing support and enthusiasm for the game! As of now then, the game will have 20 Troops in this new pose and another 20 in the other “standard” pose.

An alternative pose for the Troop
An alternative pose for the Troop

As you can imagine, this sparked our imagination and we want to add even more alternate poses for Troops as Stretch Goals! We could also do this for Golems eventually, so stay tuned on the Stretch Goals to see if we manage to make this happen!

Golems and, even more so, Troops are somewhat cannon fodder, animated by the Champion and bound to their will. They are made of stone infused with Qoam and with shards of the crystal itself. A Champion will use his or her willpower to create them from the materials at hand and then give them life. They start off as just a simple mix of Qoam and rocks moved telekinetically by the Champion, but apparently then they seem to develop a will of their own. The Champion gives them a simple goal, which they then carry out without any direct interference. 

Next surprise coming soon!

A backer jokingly said that we are spoiling you, we just feel we are being grateful for your support! You can expect the next surprise we announce to land sometime next week, stay tuned to learn everything about it!


200,000€ reached!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 01:25:53 AM

We reached 200,000€

Today we reached an important milestone while at the same time unlocking another Champion Miniature!

The Ancient Invention
The Ancient Invention

CR 2T1 is here, the most unusual champion so far and the only non-human character available to choose from! Little is known about CR 2T1's history. He was found by Magista fellows during an expedition to some ancient ruins not so far from Ilvash. For years he was considered just a strange relic from a past so far away that men wouldn't even try to understand, conserved as an antiquity in the museum of Ilvash. One day he mysteriously reactivated himself showing he's somewhat of a sentient, albeit extremely strange, being. He only operates to help other people fulfill their goals, but only if those goals follow an oddly specific moral code of conduct that he is hardwired with. This code is still uncrackable for the inhabitants of Ilvash. During the time that passed since his activation he's helped all kinds of people and organizations, performing charitable actions but also violent acts of war. It's not clear what he's trying to accomplish or what for him constitutes a task worthy of being carried out, but exploring the new islands seems to be a call he's ready to answer!

New Stretch Goals

We finally unveiled the next three SGs. First of all, the addition of Spot UV details on the Game Box. This is a really neat touch that makes the whole game feel and look premium, like a preview of what will come when you open the box!

Next, we also decided to add some custom wooden tokens for Energy and Experience. These tokens will represent the icon used on all the cards so keeping track of these two values will be more immediate and natural!

Lastly, here's the next Major Stretch Goal: Kodror The Infestation

A new monster mini!
A new monster mini!

Kodror is a unique kind of mold-like lifeform that grows only if in contact with Qoam. Highly toxic for all kinds of living creatures, it gets its nutrients by attaching itself to living beings and quickly killing them. It rarely creates issues on the ground since it's usually exterminated before it can grow to any considerable size. But things become scarier when it starts to develop on huge chunks of floating Qoam, since it isn't usually noticeable until it's already become dangerously big. At that point it turns into a frightening floating abomination with big tentacles that try to reach and kill anything that passes below them.

And that's it for today, a lore-rich update to satisfy your curiosity about the game! 


Obsidusa is here!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 05:46:24 PM

New Mini Unlocked

We reached and unlocked a new mini, Obsidusa the Devourer and as usual here’s the full artwork!


Although now it's hard to believe, some tales say that he once was a human. Obsidusa is a walking abomination fused with Qoam. Story goes that he captures unfortunate adventurers and then proceeds to absorb the victims, engulfing them in his own body made by flesh and remnants of the people that were unable to fight him. Yikes!


Furthermore, we also reached the highly requested Battle Command Seal! You can find all the information about it on our previous update.

A new Major Stretch Goal to unlock 

An unusual sight in the world of Mysthea
An unusual sight in the world of Mysthea

Our next Major Stretch Goal, CR 2T1, is an ancient machine built by a civilization long gone. This strange invention has mysteriously reactivated itself leaving the whole Kingdom in awe. Why did this happen? What was it designed to do?

Surprise? Surprises!

In our last update we announced that we had a surprise coming, but we can now confirm that the surprises are going to be TWO. You will have to wait just a little longer, and in the next update (hopefully tomorrow) we will reveal the first one! Who wants to guess what we are working on? Leave your ideas in the comments!

Oh, before we forget... our designers have confirmed that every monster will have its own ability, making them even more unique and scarier to face!